Press Release

Cliq Names Joanna Oliva As Company President

Monday, July 1, 2024

Cliq, Inc. Names Joanna Oliva As Company President


Joanna Oliva, President of Cliq

Costa Mesa, CA – 07/01/2024 – Cliq, Inc, a leading player in the payment processing and fintech industry, announced today that Joanna Oliva has been appointed as the new company President. Oliva, who was promoted from within after three years of successfully helping to drive the business forward in her prior role as Chief Financial Officer, is expected to continue leveraging her fresh perspective to boost the company's already impressive record of continual growth.

As a southern California native with a B.S. in  International Relations from Stanford University and an M.B.A. from Pepperdine, Oliva brings decades of experience in global finance and Treasury Management. Oliva has led several organizations to significant growth in the U.S., Europe and Asia. She has a proven track record of success in strategic planning, business management, risk management and team building.

During her tenure at Cliq, Oliva has already been instrumental in building a team which has grown the company’s revenue and client base.

“I am fortunate,” said Oliva, “to be in position to champion the outstanding Cliq Team and drive us toward continued success."

In her new role as President, Oliva will work alongside CEO Andy Phillips, overseeing the day-to-day operations to implement the growth strategy and support the new business that Phillips continues to bring in.

“We’re thrilled to have Joanna Oliva in this new role as President,” said HR Manager Jessica Molina, “In her time with Cliq she has proven herself to be a trusted leader who can be counted on to elevate the business.”

Joanna Oliva will officially step into her new role as of July 1, 2024.

About Cliq
Cliq is an innovator in financial technologies, dedicated to making it easier for businesses to transact with their customers, clients and employees. With a wide range of payment processing, reporting, dispute management and enterprise solutions, we collaborate closely with Resellers, Consultants, Independent Software Vendors and Clients to turn problems into opportunities. For more information visit

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